How Fast Does a 125cc Moped Go? The Top Speed May Surprise You!

  • Author: Rhys
  • Reading Time: 6 min.

Have you ever wondered how fast a 125cc moped can actually go? Well, these small machines can reach some pretty impressive speeds! In fact, the top speed of a 125cc may just blow your mind! How fast does a 125cc moped go? The answer might just surprise you!

We’re going to answer everything you’ve been wondering about 125cc moped speed. We’ll take a look at their speed, talk about any restrictions imposed upon them, and even discuss the fastest 125cc machine in the world.

So, whether you’re an experienced 125 rider or simply interested in learning more about 125cc mopeds, we’re sure you’ll learn something.

If this article isn’t specific enough for you, then contained within this article are links that will take you to separate articles we’ve written on the top speed of individual makes and models, from brands like Vespa, Piaggio, Honda, Yamaha, and all your favorites. If you need to know more about the top speed of different cc mopeds, then just click here.

How Fast Does a 125cc Moped Go?

Determining the maximum speed of a 125cc moped doesn’t have to be complicated, but it does depend on a few key factors, such as the moped’s make, design, and condition.

Based on personal experience, most of the modern 125cc mopeds usually have a top speed of around 55-65 miles per hour (88-105 kilometers per hour), this is normally higher on older models from the early 2000’s. However, as with any moped, this could be affected by external factors like terrain, wind, and any local laws regulating the maximum power output.

The engine type can also impact the moped’s top speed significantly. Two-stroke engines are typically more powerful and higher-revving than four-stroke engines, which results in faster acceleration and higher top speeds. However, they emit more pollutants and are less fuel-efficient. Because of growing environmental concerns, two-stroke engines have been gradually phased out in favor of the more environmentally friendly but slower four-stroke engine.

We’ve researched the top speeds of several popular 125cc mopeds, so that you can see the difference in speeds between makes and models. Just click on the moped you’d like to check out below and you’ll be taken to the correct page.

Piaggio Liberty 125 Aprilia RS125
Honda Forza 125 Piaggio Fly 125
Yamaha XMAX 125 Peugeot Tweet 125
Honda PCX 125 Suzuki Burgman 125
Yamaha Xenter 125 Piaggio Medley 125

How Fast Can a 125cc Moped Go Uphill?

How fast a 125cc moped can go up a hill is a question that is very hard to answer. The speed will vary greatly depending on the incline of the hill, the rider’s weight and the moped.

In general, on a moderate hill, a 125cc moped with a top speed along a flat road of 60mph would travel at about 45 miles per hour (72 kilometers per hour) up a hill. This is of course not a precise answer, a long slight hill would see a higher top speed than a long steep hill.

Are 125cc Scooters Restricted?

Yes, in some countries, 125cc scooters are restricted to certain power outputs that fall within specific license categories. This is often done to ensure the safety of riders and other road users.

In the UK, for example, riders with a provisional motorcycle license are only allowed to ride a 125cc scooter with a maximum power output of 11kW (15 horsepower). This is also known as the A1 license category. However, once a rider has passed their full motorcycle test, they can ride a more powerful 125cc scooter with a maximum power output of 35kW (47 horsepower) under the A2 license category.

Similarly, in the USA, some states restrict the power output of 125cc scooters to fall within the range of 5-15 horsepower. For example, in California, a rider with a Class M1 or M2 motorcycle license can only ride a 125cc scooter with a maximum power output of 15 horsepower.

In Europe, the power output of 125cc scooters is also restricted. The A1 license category in Europe allows riders to operate a 125cc scooter with a maximum power output of 11kW (15 horsepower). Once a rider has held their A1 license for at least two years or passed their A2 or A license test, they can ride a more powerful 125cc scooter with a maximum power output of 35kW (47 horsepower).

This is only a guide, it’s always best to check what the license restrictions are in your area and where you and your scooter fit in.

125cc moped top speed

What is the Fastest 125cc Scooter?

The title of the fastest 125cc scooter can be a bit tricky to pin down as different manufacturers claim different top speeds for their models. In general, the fastest 125cc scooter available in the market can reach a top speed of around 70 miles per hour (112 kilometers per hour).

Some of the top contenders for the title of the fastest 125cc scooter include models such as the Honda Forza 125 and the Yamaha XMAX 125. These models are known for their powerful engines, efficient design, and advanced features that contribute to their impressive speed.

However, it’s worth noting that the fastest production 125cc bike ever made was actually a two-stroke Aprilia RS125, which was capable of reaching a top speed of around 100 miles per hour (160 kilometers per hour). This bike was incredibly popular among motorcycle enthusiasts due to its impressive power-to-weight ratio and sleek design.

What is the Fastest 125cc in the World?

The fastest 125cc in the world is a title held by the same people who hold the 50cc land speed record and the 100cc land speed record.

The Buddfab 125cc streamliner hit an astonishing 186.646mph on the Bonneville Salt Flats in 2009.

If you’ve never seen a streamliner before, these things are designed purely for speed, they’re aerodynamic and their engines have been highly tuned to give as much power as physically possible. Still, that’s a crazy speed for a little engine that was originally in a Honda CR125 motocross bike!

125cc Moped FAQ’s

How fast does a 125cc moped go?

The top speed of a 125cc moped can vary depending on several factors such as its design, make, and condition. On average, most 125cc mopeds have a top speed of around 55-65 miles per hour (88-105 kilometers per hour). However, this can vary depending on external factors like wind and terrain, as well as any local laws or restrictions on maximum speed.

What is the difference between a 125cc moped and a 125cc motorcycle?

While both 125cc mopeds and motorcycles have engines with a displacement of 125cc, there are a few key differences between the two. Mopeds typically have smaller wheels, a step-through frame, and are generally designed for urban commuting. Motorcycles, on the other hand, have larger wheels, a more upright seating position, and are designed for longer distances and higher speeds.

How fuel-efficient are 125cc mopeds?

Most 125cc mopeds are relatively fuel-efficient, getting around 70-100 miles per gallon (30-40 kilometers per liter). However, the exact fuel efficiency can vary depending on factors like the make and model of the moped, the rider’s habits, and the road conditions.

Do I need a license to ride a 125cc moped?

Yes, in most countries, you will need a valid driver’s license to ride a 125cc moped. The type of license required can vary depending on where you live, but typically you will need at least a basic motorcycle license or a moped license. It’s important to check your local laws and regulations before riding any kind of motorized vehicle.

How often should I service my 125cc moped?

It’s recommended that you service your 125cc moped at least once a year, or after every 3,000-5,000 miles (5,000-8,000 kilometers) of use. This can help ensure that your moped is running smoothly and prevent any potential issues from developing. Regular service may include oil changes, brake checks, and general maintenance tasks like tightening bolts and inspecting the tires.